Revue de Recherches et Etudes Scientifiques

مجلة البحوث والدراسات العلمية


The Journal of Research and Scientific Studies is an international, annual, comprehensive, scientific and journal published by Medea University. it is dedicated to publishing articles, studies and research in the field of economic, legal and political sciences as well as Social and Human sciences, Arts and languages. The papers are in Arabic, French and English languages. The journal is also keen on emphasizing the originality, seriousness and quality of research papers submitted for publication. It accepts only high-quality research that provides added scientific value. The journal works to establish and maintain the ethics of scientific research by ensuring the objective arbitration and evaluation of the papers it publishes. The journal also believes in the intellectual openness to the various fields of life, which are of interest to the above-mentioned disciplines and scientific fields. Accordingly, the journal is keen on publishing as many genuine scientific papers as possible. The journal has a preference to papers with a scientifically interesting content that relate to reality and correspond to changes in all fields nationally and internationally, so it is keen to invite researchers belonging to fields of interest of the journal to provide publication with the intention of communicating the scientific knowledge that has been achieved and which shows its importance in dealing with proposed field problems, without neglecting the value and importance of original theoretical studies that are not characterized by cognitive rumination, but rather they are able to extract theories and reliable problems and hypotheses related mainly to the reality.





تُنهي هيئة تحرير مجلة "البحوث والدراسات العلمية" الى علم السادة الباحثين والمهتمين بالنشر العلمي، أن استقبال المقالات العلمية متاح حاليا (العدد: 20) فقط باللغة الانجليزية، من داخل وخارج الوطن.

تقبلوا تحيات هيئة تحرير المجلة

Call for Papers


The Editorial Board of the Journal of Research and Scientific Studies informs esteemed researchers and those intersted in scientific publishing that article submissions are now available for issue 20. Submissions are accepted only in English from both national and international contributors.






