The International Review “Journal of Sport Science Technology and Physical Activities (P-ISSN: 1112-4032 E-ISSN: 2543-3776) is a Bi-annual and free of charge, open-access journal published by the Institute of Physical and Sports Education, - Abdel hamid Ibn Badis University – Mostaganem, Algeria. It has an international double-blind peer-reviewed publishing article of a high standard. It publishes research on various aspects of the sports and exercise sciences, including sport movement, Physiology of sports, biochemistry, biomechanics, performance analysis, psychology, sports medicine, and health, as well as coaching and Teaching physical and sports activities, Sports Media, Sports, and Health; Sports and leisure's, Physical activity for disabled athletes, sports Management, and other interdisciplinary perspectives. In addition to reports of original research, the Journal also publishes review articles, case studies, short communications and book reviews Which is held at the Institute of Physical Education and Sports Abdul Hamid bin Badis University in Mostaganem. The emphasis of the Journal is on the human sciences, broadly defined and applied to sport and exercise. Besides experimental work in human responses to exercise, the subjects covered will include human responses to technologies such as the design of sports equipment and playing facilities, research in training, selection, performance prediction or modification, and stress reduction or manifestation. Manuscripts considered for publication include those dealing with original investigations of exercise, validation of technological innovations in sport or comprehensive reviews of topics relevant to the scientific study of sports
اعلان مهم جدا للباحثين
فترة استلام المقالات للدورة الأولي تبدأ من 01 جانفي إلى 15 جانفي .
وتاريخ الاستلام للدورة الثانية 01 جويلية إلى 15 جويلية .
لذا نرجو من الباحثين عدم إرسال مساهماتهم البحثية خارج آجال الاستلام، لأن المجلة لا تأخذ بعين الاعتبار أي مقال وارد خارج الآجال المحدد.
عن اللجنة العلمية
رئيس التحرير : أ.د. عطا الله أحمد.
Cissé Housseyni
Mimouni Nabila
Touabti Laldja-soihem
Nasrouche Sabri
El Hadj Hammiche El Hachemi
Bouarti Walid
Ousmail Safia
Chehat Mourad
Mihoubi Mourad
Ghanem Mohammed El Amine
Harizi Abedelhadi
Didani Azedine
Bourenane Mustapha Cherif
Hawamdeh Younes
Yahiaoui Mohamed
Chermime Mourad
Karoum Bachir
Mimouni Nabila
Koceir El Hadj
Sellami Leila
Oumessad Asma
Tidjani Ihcène
Benloulou Lidia
Zaki Saliha
Berroudj Kamel
Chouiref Nabil
Legougui Elhachemi
Taher Taher
Mili Faiza
Cherifi Selma
Benrekia Abed
Karrouche Nouari
Bedda Messaoud
Bekai Ismail
Aidi Mourad
مدرس دكتور علي حمد سمير الحميدي
م.د فرح عصام عبدالامير
مدرس دكتور ماهر جعفر امين شلاش
مدرس دكتور عباس توفيق منصور
بلحاج رفيق
عرافة محمد
نجايمي عبد الله نور الدين
لعور الطاهر
قدور محمد
مهيدي محمد
قراش العجال
حذبي محمد
العنتري محمد علي
التحافي سجاد عبد الواحد عبد الخالق
بن حفاف سمية
قدور باي بلخير
زرف محمد
زمالي محمد
نطاح كمال
دراجي عباس
Mohammed Rida Haniche
Elmahdi Cheikh
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