


AL-MIEYAR is an international journal which publishes research articles in the fields of Humanities and social sciences. It is open to a wide range of issues, theoretical and empirical, related to human and social, political, economic and legal aspects. In addition to Literature and languages, psychology and other scientific fields such as anthropology, theology and environmental science, AL-MIEYAR was founded in 2010 to further the development of scientific production by Tissemsilt university, Algeria. AL-MIEYAR communicates new ideas and research findings to scientists, scholars, and students. Opinions, findings, or conclusions expressed in the journal are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors or the Tissemsilt university . AL-MIEYAR is an academic, peer-reviewed open non-profit journal indexed, published quarterly, accepting Arabic, English, and French research papers All papers around the world are very welcome in our International Journal. Manuscripts can be sent at any time.







علماؤنا ودورهم في تطوير الدرس اللساني بين المعترفين بفضلهم والمنكرين له

قسوم يوسف, 

الملخص: يعالج هذا المقال مسائل مهمة حول الدرس اللساني العربي الحديث وربطها بالقديم وتضع استراتيجيات استشرافية للرقي به، كما تطرح انقسام الباحثين في هذا الشأن حول رؤيتهِم للدرس اللساني الحديث من حيث الموضوع والمنهج والغاية إلى ثلاثة أصناف، أمّا الصنف الأول فيرى أنّ دروسنا اللغوية عربية أصيلة يعود الفضل فيها إلى جهود علمائنا من اللغويين والفلاسفة والنقاد من أبناء الجيل الأول ثم طورها من جاء من بعدهم بما استفادوا من نظريات العلوم الحديثة والصنف الثاني ينكر تماما ويرى أنّ العرب لا علاقة لهم بالدرس الحديث. أمّا الصنف الثالث فيحاول التوفيق بين الرأيين وهو ما تبناه المقال.

الكلمات المفتاحية: العلاقة، الغاية، المنهج، الموضوع، الدرس اللساني الحديث

Suprasegmental phonemes in linguistic analysis.

مسعودي فضيلة, 

Résumé: This research paper aims to shed light on certain significant linguistic phenomena in the field of phonetics. We addressed suprasegmental phonemes: the syllable, stress, and intonation. We started with a core issue: What is the importance of suprasegmental phonemes in linguistic analysis? To answer this question, we followed a specific methodology, which included an introduction that provided a general idea about the topic. Then, we elaborated on the syllable, stress, and intonation in detail, with a reference to rhythm due to its close relationship with intonation. Finally, we concluded with a summary of the findings and recommendations. Throughout the work, we relied on the descriptive method as it was the most suitable for the study, using analysis and representation techniques. As a conclusion of our research paper, the most important findings can be summarized as follows: Phonemes beyond the morpheme level are secondary phonemes, as outlined by phoneme theory. However, they are fundamental to language. Various studies have demonstrated that Arabic is a segmented, stressed language that relies on intonation. It is a rhythmic language, with Arabs naturally inclined towards rhythm, which serves as a point of convergence for most phonetic phenomena. From this standpoint, we recommend placing greater emphasis on the practical aspects of phonetics, using artificial intelligence advancements to advance Arabic linguistic studies. This involves encouraging researchers, including professors and students, to delve into the field of computational studies that rely on computing and automatic analysis of spoken Arabic. Such an approach is expected to prove linguistic heritage with scientific accuracy across various levels of linguistic study.

Mots clés: Intonation; Language; Rhythm; Syllable