مجلة الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية

Review of Letters and Human Sciences


The Review of Letters and Human Sciences(RLHS) is a semestrial scientific referred journal. It is Free of charge in all stages, open access. Issued by the Faculty of Language, Arabic litterature and Arts University of Batna1 (Algeria) since 2008. It publishes original research in three languages Arabic, French and English. Its main field of interest is research about Language, literature, human Sciences, and Arts, from the perspectives of cross and critical reading. It aims is to be a junction link between researchers from different countries of the world to encourage studies in Literature and Human Sciences. It targets a various audience from Human Sciences researchers, students, language sciences and Arts students. The journal favors the interdisciplinary reflections, which approach the Arts phenomenon from its various aspects. This dynamic characteristic of cross and interdisciplinary research will undoubtedly allow answering both the requirements of Artistic phenomena, as well as taking advantage of Human studies’ evolution in the rest of the world.





