ALTRALANG Journal (Algerian Translation and Languages Journal) [ e-ISSN: 2710-8619 ; p-ISSN: 2710-7922 ], is an Open-Access Peer-reviewed International Journal, published biannually by the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed, Algeria since 2019.
AIMS AND SCOPE: The main objective of ALTRALANG Journal is to contribute significantly to the body of knowledge by providing an intellectual platform for national and international scholars including postgraduate students, professors, and researchers operating in academic circles, government departments, or socio-economic institutions.To promote interdisciplinary studies in Languages and Translation Studies, ALTRALANG Journal is committed to publish biannually in a variety of languages including English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic and Tamazight covering both theoretical and empirical topics in fields such as Translation Studies, Communication Studies, Cross-Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Educational Sciences , Didactics, History, Civilization, Methodology, Arts and so on
Special issues devoted to important topics in the scope of the journal will occasionally be published.
PUBLICATION CHARGES: FREE Article Processing Charges (APCs): No - Submission Charges: No
Website :
ERIH PLUS - Dimensions - DOAJ - Crossref
المجلة لا تستقبل حاليا
مالكي بن عايد,
Mots clés: Spécisme animalier – thériomorphisme– zoopoétique- nature- environnement- animots.
بن لحسن ملاك,
أنتغار كاهنة,
Mots clés: Borderland ; Orientalism ; Neo-Colonialism ; Identity ; Odalisque ; New Consciousness
ﻨﻮﺍﻞ ﺒﻮﺪﺷﻴﺶ,
Mots clés: Compréhension ; Film ; Compétence informationnelle ; littératie médiatique ; Emotion
بن ناصر فوزية,
خنيوي نجاة,
Mots clés: Adaptive supervision ; collaboration ; communication ; supervisory process ; tailored support ; triadic approach
Dione Abdoulaye,
Mots clés: discours ; chefs traditionnels ; chefs coutumiers ; identité seereer
Marinkovic Milica
Seddaoui Fatima
Benalla Houari
Chaouib Fatiha
Manirambona Fulgence
Diallo Mamadou Bailo Binta
Zatout Hanane
Sayad El Bachir Hanane
Coulibaly Daouda
Abindje Atchori Justin
Ouahab Chahrazed
Theuriau Frédéric-gaël
Hocini Siham
M'farredj Sonia
Mebarki-benaffane Amel
Belkacem Hind
Lasheb Mohammed
Yao Yao Jean-marc
Terwait Abdallah
Mammeri Mahmoud Fawzi
Kies Karima
Belkhiter Soraya
Ferah Saad
Merakeb Dihia
Masatu Mosi
Elisifa Zelda
Beldjenna Amel
Bekaddour Soumia
Ikyer Aondofa
Bekouche Mahbouba
Kadim Elsaid Haider
Djebbari Houda
Soltani Salima
Brakni Dalila
Bouchareb Naouel
Chami Wahid Hamza Mohamed
Babou Amina
Boutouil Sarra
Chelghoum Ahlem
Kouakou Konan Joachim Arnaud
Owolabi Kossa Innocent
Bouacida Soumaya
Khodja Asma Marwa
Dergaoui Roumeissa
Ben Lakdar Amina
Yousfi Adnane
Mouhadjer Noureddine
Ogunmodede Olabisi
Olugbemi-gabriel Olumide
Ghobrini Zakaria
Djaber Ibrahim
Imarazene Moussa
Moussaoui Selim
Benouddane Ahmed
Hamdani Yamina
سليماني أسماء
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