An International refereed academic journal Issued by Social Sciences and Humanities College – university of Hama Lakhdar - El-Oued. Al-Sirraj Journal of Education and Community Issues aims to spread and enrich knowledge in a way that contributes to the development of academic scientific research in general. The journal also aims to the following; 1- Contributing to the development of research and studies in the fields of education, psychology, sociology and philosophy by publishing theoretical and applied research in various fields of these discipline, With an emphasis on the high quality of this research and its relevance to reality. 2- Provide the opportunity for thinkers and researchers in educational, psychological and social sciences to publish the results of their scientific and research activities, especially those related to societal problems. 3- Encouraging research that emphasizes diversity, intellectual openness, methodological discipline, and making use of all the data of educational, psychological and social thought, old and recent, whether foreign or national. 4- Keeping up with global developments in various scientific fields. 5- Creating communication channels between specialists in the fields of educational, psychological, social sciences and philosophy, with the corresponding institutions of common interest. 6- Participating in building a knowledge society by publishing research related to educational, psychological, social sciences and philosophy, Which helps the development and progress of society. 7- Scientific cooperation between the journal, researchers, and Arab scholars in the journal’s fields of interest. 8- Publication of the distinguished work of seminars and study days that are held in the college in a special issue.
تعملكم المجلة أنها فتحت آجال الاستقبال من اليوم 12-01-2025 الى غاية 22-01-2025
غربي خالد,
حفوضة الامير عبد القادر,
الكلمات المفتاحية: تعليم، تعليم الالكتروني، جائحة كورونا، تجارب الدول.
بورديم لخضر,
Mots clés: environnement numérique ; ; apprentissage à distance ; compétence d’interaction ; FLE ; savoir-faire interactionnel. ; apprentissage à distance ; . ; FLE ; ; compétence d'interaction ; savoir-faire interactionnels
Laadjal Salah
Hidouci Sarah
Kheladi Mohammed
Rahmani Selma
Elgues Saliha
Dhahbi Brahim
Ali Hamed
Maiache Idir
Manser Messaouda
منصر فاطمة
عليوان مليكة
بوعلاق لندة
براهمة نصيرة
بن حنة غنية
عريق لطيقة
لزغد فيروز
لزغد راضية
فاسي سفيان
صبطي عبيدة
عياشي عبد الله
شالوش سامية
بشتة حنان
جريوي زينب
زكري نرجس
العابد عبد اللطيف
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