The Maghreb Journal of Social and Historical Studies, is an international scientific journal, published twice a year by the University of Sidi Bel-Abbes, dealing with publishing scientific research and studies, available for free reading and download, in the field of Humanities and Social Sciences in general, such as History, Archaeology, Information and Communication Sciences, Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Demography, Philosophy and Education Sciences, under the supervision of a professional editorial board, and a scientific board comprising a group of professors and researchers specializing in its field of interest. The journal receives original theoretical and field research and studies that have not been published or submitted for publication and the papers of national and international scientific events, in Arabic, English, French and Spanish, to be subject to specialized and confidential scientific reviewing, based on strict academic standards that guarantee scientific integrity. The journal also publishes reviews of important new books that are part of its area of interest. The editorial board of the Maghreb Journal of Historical and Social Studies aims to achieve a number of objectives, the most important of which are: publishing of relevant and serious scientific research and studies, strengthening the bonds of communication between researchers around the world, consecration of academic culture among researchers in universities and research centres, and empowering the Humanities and Social Sciences to contribute to the advancement of development.
تتشرف هيئة تحرير" المجلة المغاربية للدراسات التاريخية والاجتماعية" بجامعة جيلالي ليابس سيدي بلعباس بدعوة كافة الباحثين من داخل الجزائر أو خارجها لتقديم أبحاثهم العلمية الرصينة للنظر فيها بـ المجلد 16، العدد 02 من المجلة.
رئيس التحرير: أ.د. مجاود محمد
Call for Publication in the Maghreb Journal of Social and Historical Studies (MJSHS)
The editorial board of "The Maghreb Journal of Social and Historical Studies (MJSHS)" at Djilali Liabès University, Sidi Bel Abbès, cordially invites researchers both within Algeria and abroad to submit their rigorous scientific research for consideration in Volume 16, Issue 02 of the journal.
It is essential to include both the article title and abstract in Arabic and English. We kindly request that researchers adhere to the publication guidelines outlined in the author's guide, author instructions, and copyright policies. Articles will undergo peer review based on adherence to the journal’s template, which can be downloaded from the official website. For organizational reasons, submissions received before or after the specified timeframe will not be considered.
Editor-in-Chief: Pr. Mohamed Medjaoud
لعوج لصر الدين
طيب بوجمعة نعيمة
علي العبيدي
بن طيب جلول
ولد النبية كريم
لعجري زهرة
جباري سامية
بوطيبي محمد
بابا عبد الله
ماجي نادية
بلعيبود بدرالدين
سحنين نجية
وادة يسرى
ودوع محمد
ذويبي دراجي
بوتدارة سالم
لحسن محمد لمين
دموش أوسامة
بن بوزيد هجيرة
بوزارة أحلام
لعرابي نسرين
دايرة عايدة
غربي بلقاسم
بوشيخي علي
دكاني لطفي
مقدم محمد أمين
صديقي عبد النور
عقابة أنيسة
بلخير خديجة
رحماني علي
لكحل حمدي
تقار اشواق
صفاح امال
Benyahia Fatima Zohra
شلابي عبد الحفيظ
ليماني شهرزاد
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