The Journal of Al-Jamie in psychological studies and educational sciences is an international semi-annual published by the University of Mohamed Boudiaf, which aims to publish studies and original and innovative research (not from Master's degrees, PhD or other), and which has not been published elsewhere. In the Psychology and Education field, it also aims to encourage professors, students and researchers to engage in scientific research and production, which supports the progress of the University and its role. In the Journal of Al-Jamie Journal in Psychological Studies and Educational Sciences, we seek to publish all the good articles in the three languages (Arabic, English, French) that we receive from university professors, PhD students and researchers from recognized research institutes. These articles are considered positive in the following disciplines: Psychology Education, and all articles that directly serve the humanities and social sciences, and other related disciplines. The Journal of Al-Jamie Journal in Psychological Studies and Educational Sciences is a magazine whose publication process began in 2016. It has the experience of four editors who have sought to develop the magazine and expand its network of experts distributors specialized in the magazine in proportion to their composition. The work that has been entrusted to them is evaluated thoroughly. In the Journal of Al-Jamie Journal in Psychological Studies and Educational Sciences, we believe in the abilities of researchers and value their efforts very effectively when we direct research to specialized reviewers in proportion to the nature of the article. The reports are decisive for accepting or rejecting the article and we use a third reviewer in the case of two different reports of the same article. The Al-Jamie Journal in Psychological Studies and Educational Sciences welcomes the efforts of all serious researchers and prepares them for fair arbitration and regular publication.
المجلة تنشر الأبحاث والدراسات في مجالاتها المحددة وذات الصلة بها فقط
بالتوفيق للجميع
حسايم امينة دينة
عزيرو-شرناعي سعاد
الشرحة أشرف
عرمان إبراهيم
أوبراهم ويزة
مرزوقي محمد
بوزناد سميرة
خرخاش أسماء
دخوش مبروك
طعبلي محمد الطاهر
برباش نورالدين
بوصلاح النذير
ميالي سمية
مدور مليكة
بوهراوة عائشة
شياب محمد الأمين
بشاوي فتيحة
سعد الحاج بن جغدل
ضياف عبد الحميد
حربوش سمية
بوشريط جوهرة
شناتي عبد العزيز
نطاح كمال
ياحي عبد المالك
ديلمي راوية
بونخلة فريد
حميداني خاليدة
زهواني عمر
Barkat Abdelhak
علي عريوة عائشة
بن زطة بلدية
مناصرية محمد
وقاف مختار
زديرة خمار
خريبش زهير
بن سراي نصرالدين
شبلي هجيرة
بلهوشات الشافعي
واضح العمري
لحميدي عادل
جاب الله طيب
بوخالفة مبروكة
بن نابي نصيرة
دهيمي فريدة
ضياف زين الدين
بوجمعة حافظ
بورنان سامية
خواص ياسمينة
زطوطو نعيمة
تشيكو حميدة
Seghiour Hayet
Berrehouma Abdelhamid
Zitouni Sabira
Khatout Ramdhane
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