القارئ للدراسات الأدبية و النقدية و اللغوية
Volume 4, Numéro 3, Pages 31-41
الكاتب : بن الدين بخولة .
يمتلك النص إشارات وعلامات ورموزاً ، تؤسس نسيجه الخاص وتوزعه على أنساقه التي لا يتلكأ القارئ في تحويلها إلى أدوات لا غنى عنها أثناء القراءة، فأهمية القارئ تتأتى من اعتباره المعني بالخطاب، فهو متلقي النص، الذي لا شأن لأي مرسل من دونه وهو الذي يضيء عتبات هذا النص من خلال جملة مراحل، وبهذا نجد أننا أمام عدد من القراءات المختلفة لنص واحد، فكل قارئ يلوّن قراءته للنص بخلفياته الثقافية. وبقدر مايفترض أن تعبر تلك القراءة عن النص، فإنها في الواقع تعبّر عن شخصية القارئ؛ لأن إشارات النص اللغوية وتراكيبه لايمكن لها أن تضطلع بوظيفتها إلا إذا أطلقت الأفعال التي تؤدي إلى نقل النص إلى وعي قارئه The text has signs, and symbols, it establishes its own texture and distributes it to its formats that the reader does not hesitate to convert into indispensable tools during reading. The importance of the reader comes from his consideration of the speech, he is the recipient of the text which does not matter to any sender without him and he illuminates the text through a series of stages. Thus, we find that we are faced with number of different readings of one text, each reader coloured his reading of the text with his cultural backgrounds. As far as this reading is supposed to express the text, in reality, it expresses the personality of the reader. Because the linguistic signs and structures of the text cannot carry out their function unless the verbs that lead to the transmission of the text are launched into the consciousness of its reader. The text has signs, and symbols, it establishes its own texture and distributes it to its formats that the reader does not hesitate to convert into indispensable tools during reading. The importance of the reader comes from his consideration of the speech, he is the recipient of the text which does not matter to any sender without him and he illuminates the text through a series of stages. Thus, we find that we are faced with number of different readings of one text, each reader coloured his reading of the text with his cultural backgrounds. As far as this reading is supposed to express the text, in reality, it expresses the personality of the reader. Because the linguistic signs and structures of the text cannot carry out their function unless the verbs that lead to the transmission of the text are launched into the consciousness of its reader.
النص؛ القارئ، النصية ؛ الخطاب ؛المعنى
بن كعبة سيدي محمد
ص 749-766.