The Circle of legal and Political Researches and Studies is a refereed bi-annual international journal issued by the Laboratory of Constitutional Institutions and Political Systems; University Center Morsli Abdullah - Tipaza. Its issuance is supervised by a specialized arbitration body from inside and outside the country, and it serves as a scientific reference for researchers and specialists. The journal is concerned with publishing refereed scientific research, in Arabic, French and English, in various branches of legal sciences, whether in the field of public law or private law, as well as political science and international relations, in addition to all branches of human sciences related to them, such as economic, social, commercial and Islamic sciences with legal projections, with the aim of promoting specialized academic scientific research and the role of law in organizing different social relations and its implications on various aspects of life. .
بوزيدة خالد
مناع العلجة
شاوش نعيم
علالي نوال
فرقاني قويدر نور الاسلام
ايمان قرماش
دمان دبيح محمد الأمين
حرز الله كريم
زبوشي عبد القادر
غانس حبيب الرحمان
بوتوشنت رجاء
زقاري أمال
بن معمر رابح
عيساوي عبدالقادر
بن عياد رياض
أيت اعمر جهان
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