The Algerian and comparative law journal is a international academic semestrial scientific journal, edited by the “public services and development” laboratory of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the Djillali Liabes University (Algeria). It publishes original research in three languages: Arabic, French and English, and which its main interest of research is in general about public law studies, administrative, constitutional, international, criminal and fiscal law as well, in perspective of either cross-reading and critical. It aims to be a junction link between researchers from different countries of the world to encourage studies in public law. It targets a various audience from law researchers, magistrates, and law professionals (Lawyers and attorneys, notaries, bailiffs and auctioneers), company lawyers, public administrators, public institutions heads, law students, political sciences and management students too. The journal favors the interdisciplinary reflections which allow the approach of the law phenomenon from its various aspects. This dynamic of cross and interdisciplinary research will undoubtedly allow answering both the requirements of socio-economic in legal matter, as well as taking advantage of legal studies evolution in the rest of the world.
قدوري حميد,
الكلمات المفتاحية: دعوى التعويض ; العلاقة السببية ; الضرر ; مرفق الشرطة ; المسؤولية الإدارية اللاخطئية
حداد رانية,
الكلمات المفتاحية: الدليل الرقمي ; حجية الإثبات ; عملية الإثبات الجنائي ; إشكالات الإثبات ; Digital Evidence ; Probative Value ; Criminal Proof Process ; Issues of Proof
Ferouani Amal Linda
Amr Ali Ahmad
Ben Affan Khaled
Kilali Aoued
Basbas Lamia
Mokeddem Toufik
Chouih Benothmane
Boumala Kenza
Benturquia Adiba Linda
يلس شاوش نسيمة
Zouggar Abdelkader
Laroui Zouaouia
Harir Ahmed
Laoues Lilia
Anteur Asma
Debaa Ameur
حبريح فتيحة
مقدر نبيل
ملاك عراسة
شريف مريم
داهل وافية
مشيد محمد
بوهادي عبد القادر
بن دريس حليمة
بن قطاط خديجة
العوفي علي
بشير محمد امين
بولعراس سحنون
بلحسيني حمزة
مخزومي محمد الحبيب
بلقاضي إسحاق
شعلال جمال الدين أمين
بوراس نجية
مقدم أحلام
عبار عمر
بوشويرف نوال
محمد قادري
كلثوم بن قراش
عميري أحمد
سعيدي عبد الحميد
قرناش جمال
بن علي امينة نور الهدى
بن خنوس سعاد
براسي محمد
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