"Al-NAQED" Journal is an international refereed journal. It is published semi-annually (April- October) by the Laboratory of the Impact of Judicial Jurisprudence on the Legislative Movement- from the University of Mohamed Kheider, Biskra- Algeria. It is specialized in the field of Political Sciences and International Relations with its various research and knowledge branches such as: Political Systems, Comparative Politics , Governance, Development studies, Public Administration , International Relations, Security studies, Political Philosophy, Political Anthropology, Constitutional Law and Political Economy. The journal aims mainly to provide a free publication ( paper/ online ) of original works, studies and serious and sober research in both languages: Arabic and English, for professors, researchers and scholars around the world; in an attempt to contribute to the development of the knowledge field, hence, to enrich the specialized scientific product.
بوغرسة عادل
قاسم حجاج
فدول محمد
حمزة حورية
مستور شروق
بوزرب رياض
كيم سمير
بن عبد الرزاق حنان
بوطبة عبدالله
بوستي توفيق
عثماني حميد
ناصري سميرة
والي إبراهيم الخليل
عطوات عبد الحاكم
معيفي فتحي
عيساوي فروجة
سرير عبد الله رابح
لحواسنية ياسمين
رزايقية حنان
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