مجلة الناقد للدراسات السياسية

Journal of Al-NAQED For Political Studies


"Al-NAQED" Journal is an international refereed journal. It is published semi-annually (April- October) by the Laboratory of the Impact of Judicial Jurisprudence on the Legislative Movement- from the University of Mohamed Kheider, Biskra- Algeria. It is specialized in the field of Political Sciences and International Relations with its various research and knowledge branches such as: Political Systems, Comparative Politics , Governance, Development studies, Public Administration , International Relations, Security studies, Political Philosophy, Political Anthropology, Constitutional Law and Political Economy. The journal aims mainly to provide a free publication ( paper/ online ) of original works, studies and serious and sober research in both languages: Arabic and English, for professors, researchers and scholars around the world; in an attempt to contribute to the development of the knowledge field, hence, to enrich the specialized scientific product.





