The Journal of Management and Economic Sciences Prospects is a semi-annual, international, refereed, and it is a free academic Journal published by the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences at the University of M’sila - Algeria. The Journal publishes academic researchs for researchers and professionals.and focuses its publications in the fields of economics, management, finance,and accounting . The Journal also aims to raise its level of research published, and scientific recognition by universities and academic researchers of national, Arab countries and in the wold and seeking to be ranked, including the indexing data for scientific journals. The Journal also publishes the original scientific studies and researches, which reflect the latest research and developments in the practical aspects of the national and international economy. The journal is published in both print and electronic editions. A team of arbitrators in various relevant disciplines from national universities and foreign research centers which arbitrate the articles. Since its establishment in 2017, the Journal is publishing its research in three languages: Arabic, English and French, at the time of issue June and December.
مرزوق فاتح
مكي مصطفى
فضيلي نورالدين
بلمهدي نبيلة
رزقي محمد
براهيمي آزاد
بن السعدي جمال
سنوسي على
برارمة ريمة
جيلالي تومي حمزة
طيوب علي
ولهي بوعلام
بوكايس حسين
عبار محمد
خلافي حمزة
سراي صالح
بريك أحمد
جساس كلتوم
قليل لقمان
بوقناديل محمد
قصير أحمد
رقيق بن عيسى
عيشاوي علي
غزالي ظريفة
عاشوري بدرالدين
طيبي حمزة
مغني ناصر
زغبة طلال
Bahlouli Ahmed
Hamza Ali
Bailiche Faiza
Almi Hassiba
Bouali Lynda
Bouzeroura Lynda
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