مجلة المنظومة الرياضية

Sport System journal


The sports system journal is a scientific and academic journal published every six months and supervised by a specialized staff of well qualified researchers from our country and beyond, and commissioned periodically by the Institute of Science and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, University of Zayan Achour – Djelfa- , Algeria. This journal is specialized in sports studies and academic researches guided by experts and scientists in this field and every science related to it. It publishes original works only, not parts of books nor copiedpassages, it takes in consideration just unpublished works that never have been already presented to other institutes or sent elsewhere to be published. All works, presented by researches professors and doctorate students,that conform to these conditions arewelcome from all over the world in order to generalize science and knowledge about new updates that concern sportive scientific field, and of course to connect all researchers. Works are accepted in Arabic, French, and English with originality, quality, and scientific fair-play and faithfulness in finding and copying information with all required references.


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The Role of Sports in Enhancing Physical and Psychological Development of Students A Field Study on a Sample from Middle School

Zitouni Sabira,  Boussakra Amar, 

Résumé: This study aims to review the effect of sports on the physical and psychological development of middle school students. This study highlights the importance of sports in improving the physical and psychological development of students in intermediate education. By promoting sports programs and raising awareness of their importance, the school community can achieve significant benefits that include improving overall health and developing students' social and academic skills. The study was based on the descriptive method and was applied to a survey sample of 54 middle school students using the quality-of-life scale. The results show that exercise contributes significantly to improving physical health, increasing fitness, and enhancing muscle strength. Sport also plays an important role in developing social skills and enhancing self-confidence, which has a positive impact on the mental health of students. The study recommends increasing sports activities in schools to enhance these benefits.

Mots clés: sports ; psychological development ; physical development ; intermediate education ; student

Physical Education and Sports in Confronting the Phenomenon of School Dropout from the Perspective of the Subject’s Teachers of Secondary Level: The Case of Secondary Schools of Ghardaia Province

يحي عمر الفاروق, 

الملخص: Abstract This study aims to explore the issue of school dropout, and how physical education and sports contribute to its reduction during secondary education. It also looks into the variations among students regarding their relationships with physical education and sports teachers, as well as their levels of mental and intellectual engagement during activities. This analysis seeks to provide a quantitative overview to better understand the influence of physical education on this complex issue. A descriptive research approach was utilized, employing a self-designed questionnaire that focused on three main areas. After confirming its validity and reliability, the study was conducted with a sample of 36 physical education and sports teachers. The findings indicated that physical education classes and their activities play a significant role in decreasing the occurrence of school dropout at the secondary education level. ملخص: تهدف الدراسة إلى تسليط الضوء على ظاهرة التسرب المدرسي، ودور مادة التربية البدنية والرياضية في التقليل منها خلال مرحلة التعليم الثانوي، كما تبحت في الفروق بين التلاميذ في طبيعة علاقتهم مع أستاذ مادة التربية البدنية والرياضية ومستوى الشرود الذهني والفكري أثناء الممارسة من أجل أخد تصور كمي للإستدلال على دور هذه المادة الدراسية في التقليل من أثر هذه الظاهرة المعقدة ، وتم اعتماد المنهج الوصفي، واستخدم الباحث أداة الاستبيان من تصميمه تضمنت ثلاث محاور رئيسية، وبعد التحقق من من صدقها وتباتها، أجريت الدراسة على عينة مكونة من 36 أستاذا للتربية البدنية والرياضية. وقد أظهرت الدراسة أن لحصة التربية البدنية والرياضية ومحتوى أنشطتها أثر في التقليل من ظاهرة التسرب المدرسي في مرحلة التعليم الثانوي.

الكلمات المفتاحية: school; school dropout; physical and sports education; secondary education. ; المدرسة، التسرب المدرسي، التربية البدنية والرياضية، التعليم الثانوي

The Impact of a Proposed Training Program Using Plyometric Exercises Supported by Elastic Bands and Weights on the Explosive Strength of the Lower Limbs in U19 Football Players

خراز عبد الحق,  شاربي بلقاسم,  حساني رشيد, 

Résumé: This study aims to determine the effect of plyometric exercises using elastic bands and weights on lower limb explosive strength in U19 football players. The researcher employed an experimental approach on a sample of six randomly selected players. The players were tested on their vertical jump (Sargent test) and 15-meter sprint performance. An improvement in both tests was observed after applying the training program for four weeks, with two sessions per week. The results concluded that the proposed plyometric training program using elastic bands and weights positively affects the explosive strength of football players .

Mots clés: Keywords: Plyometric Training, Explosive Power

The effect of a proposed educational program using mini-games on the development of agility for Pupils of the second phase primary (9-11) - An experimental field study on the primary school of Bait Ben Jeddou in Laghouat .

مشيد يسين, 

Résumé: This study aims to identify the effect of a proposed educational program using mini-games on the development of agility for Pupils of the second phase primary (9-11). We use the experimental method and the study sample included 60 Pupils , 30 Pupils from Bait Ben Jeddou School as an experimental group, and 30 Pupils from Awissi El Tayeb School in Laghouat as a control group. The educational program includ 11 lessons and has been implemented over a period of 04 months. We used the zigzag test to measure agility. For statistical methods, we used arithmetic mean, standard deviation, T-test, and statistical processing using SPSS. The study found that the proposed educational program using mini-games contributes to the development of agility for members of the experimental sample.

Mots clés: Educational program ; mini-games ; Agility ; ; Pupils of the second phase primary (9-11)

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