The sports system journal is a scientific and academic journal published every six months and supervised by a specialized staff of well qualified researchers from our country and beyond, and commissioned periodically by the Institute of Science and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities, University of Zayan Achour – Djelfa- , Algeria. This journal is specialized in sports studies and academic researches guided by experts and scientists in this field and every science related to it. It publishes original works only, not parts of books nor copiedpassages, it takes in consideration just unpublished works that never have been already presented to other institutes or sent elsewhere to be published. All works, presented by researches professors and doctorate students,that conform to these conditions arewelcome from all over the world in order to generalize science and knowledge about new updates that concern sportive scientific field, and of course to connect all researchers. Works are accepted in Arabic, French, and English with originality, quality, and scientific fair-play and faithfulness in finding and copying information with all required references.
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Zitouni Sabira,
Boussakra Amar,
Mots clés: sports ; psychological development ; physical development ; intermediate education ; student
يحي عمر الفاروق,
الكلمات المفتاحية: school; school dropout; physical and sports education; secondary education. ; المدرسة، التسرب المدرسي، التربية البدنية والرياضية، التعليم الثانوي
خراز عبد الحق,
شاربي بلقاسم,
حساني رشيد,
Mots clés: Keywords: Plyometric Training, Explosive Power
مشيد يسين,
Mots clés: Educational program ; mini-games ; Agility ; ; Pupils of the second phase primary (9-11)
Koriga Aboubaker Elssddik
Hamida Khaled
Khelfaoui Lazhari
Bougandoura Fares
Maamri Billal
Kerarma Ahmed
Daoudi Nabila
Maouche Massinissa
Idir Abdennour
Bouabdelli Boulanour Fathi1
Bourenane Cherif
Djilali Razika
Saidia Houari
Boudina Billal
Madi Meriem
Nasri Mohamed Cherif
Hadjab Issam
Ferfache Imed Eddine
Sayeh Medour Abdelali
Arkoub Hacene
Bendjelloul Abdelkader
Nassar Mohamed
Sellami Abdelkader
Bouchher Houari
Amarouche Radhia
Mimene Zakaria
Nadjem Nabil
Behnas Meroua
Ghalmi Imen
Dahmoune Ibrahim
Bouhadj Meziane
Soufi Abdelmalak
Mansouri Nabil
Boutalbi Yahia
Khaled Djaafar
Borayou Wassim
Lakrout Said
Tahraoui Mohamed
Benabderrahmane Sidali
جوابري عبد المجيد
سبع بوعبد الله
ميمي عبد الله
سعيد إبراهيم الخليل
بطاهر فضيلة يسرى
حذبي محمد
العنتري محمد علي
منجحي مخلوف
بوصلاح النذير
بن رجم أحمد
زواوي عبد الوهاب
بوساق فتيحة
خان سهام بنت محمد
صميلي رهام بنت عبد الله احمد
خضاري أحمد ياسين
قاسم مختار
بن سالم سالم
شتوح عزالدين
أمزال سارة
سيفي بلقاسم
دحامنية نورالإسلام
سرايعية جمال
محمد مهدي يحيى
بن ميصرة عبدالرحمن
بن دقفل رشيد
محفوظ فيصل
يحياوي محمد
بن غالية محمد
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