مجلة أداء المؤسسات الجزائرية
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 123-137
الكاتب : بن تفات عبد الحق . ساحل محمد . سلامي أسماء .
This study examines the determinants of public spending in Algeria in the short and long term, using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) cointegration technique for the period 2000 to 2017. The results indicate that the independent variables represented in the gross domestic product and the rate of inflation, in addition to the variable petroleum taxation are the most important variables responsible for public spending movements in the Algerian economy, while the rest of the variables represented in the unemployment rate, population density and foreign direct investment did not have the statistical significance. This means that it has no effect on the levels of public spending in Algeria.
public spending ; ARDL model ; public spending theories ; petroleum taxation ; Algeria
جربال فلة
بن يوسف نوة
ص 209-226.
جرفي زكريا
بن مرزوق نبيل
ص 26-44.
جرفي زكريا
بن عابد مختار
زروخي فيروز
ص 398-416.
سحنون فاروق
مصطفاي ياسين
ص 9-29.