Advanced Research in Economics and Business Strategy Journal

مجلة بحوث متقدمة في الاقتصاد واستراتيجيات الاعمال


Advanced Research in Economics and Business Strategy Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to advancing knowledge in economics and business strategy. The journal biannually provides a platform for researchers, academics, practitioners, and policymakers to share innovative insights, empirical findings, and theoretical contributions that address contemporary challenges in economics and business.

Aims and Scope

The journal welcomes high-quality research articles, reviews, and case studies that explore a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Economics: Microeconomics, macroeconomics, behavioral economics, development economics, and international economics.
  • Business Strategy: Strategic management, innovation, entrepreneurship, corporate governance, and competitive advantage.
  • Finance: Financial markets, investment strategies, risk management, and corporate finance.
  • Marketing: Consumer behavior, digital marketing, branding, and market research.
  • Sustainability: Sustainable business practices, green economics, and corporate social responsibility.
  • Emerging Trends: AI in business, blockchain, gig economy, and digital transformation.

The journal aims to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and contribute to the global exchange of knowledge by publishing research that is both academically rigorous and practically relevant.

Open Access Policy

The Advanced Research in Economics and Business Strategy Journal is committed to the principles of open access. All articles are freely available to readers worldwide without any subscription or paywall barriers. By providing immediate and unrestricted access to research, the journal supports the dissemination of knowledge and promotes innovation in economics and business.

Peer Review Process

All submissions undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality, originality, and relevance of published work. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two independent experts in the field, and the review process is designed to provide constructive feedback to authors while maintaining the highest academic standards.

Copyright and Licensing

Authors retain copyright of their work and grant the journal the right of first publication. All articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which allows others to share, adapt, and build upon the work, provided the original author and source are credited.

Indexing and Abstracting

The journal is indexed in several databases. This ensures the visibility and accessibility of published research to a global audience.

Editorial Board

The journal is supported by an international editorial board of distinguished scholars and practitioners in the fields of economics and business strategy. The board plays a crucial role in maintaining the journal's academic rigor and guiding its strategic direction.

Publication Frequency

The journal is published biannually, with issues released in June and December each year. This regular publication schedule ensures timely dissemination of cutting-edge research.







Economic profitability of shea butter production under different production systems in the 2KP districts in the northern part of Benin

ب. تيمبيريجو بوني جيرمان,  يابي أفودة يعقوب, 

Résumé: The production and marketing of shea butter provide enough benefit to the rural population, especially women. However, its production varies depending on the production systems used: traditional, semi-mechanized and mechanized. Each system has specific characteristics that influence the economic performance of the processors. This article aims at evaluating the economic profitability of shea butter production according to the different production systems adopted by women processors of the 2KP and identifying the socio-economic and technical factors that influence this economic profitability. To this end, empirical data were collected from 200 women butter producers in the areas of Kérou , Kouandé , and Péhunco in the northern part of Benin. The processing of shea nuts into butter is economically profitable in the production areas from the point of view of processors’ profit. In addition, the Average Labour Productivity showed a trend equal to the values of the net margin. It therefore follows that shea butter production is very economically profitable from the point of view of labour remuneration but, only for women who have used modern and semi-modern systems. Furthermore, the factors influencing the economic profitability of this activity for women include, among others, the age, experience of the processor, her level of formal education, the type of system adopted, the distance traveled to access equipment, etc.

Mots clés: Shea butter; marketing; production systems; Economic profitability; mechanized systems. JEL Codes: Q13, M31, L23, D24, Q18.

Analyse financière et économique de la filière du café robusta en province de la Tshopo

Bamenga Bopoko Louis Pasteur,  Michel Baudouin, 

Résumé: •L’objet de l'étude : L’étude vise à réaliser un diagnostic financier de la filière café robusta. •La méthodologie : Les données ont été collectées grâce aux entretiens semi-structurés. L’analyse Coût-Avantage dans un compte production-exploitation a été utilisée pour chaque partie prenante de la filière. Un compte consolidé a été utilisé pour évaluer la contribution des agents concernés dans l’économie de la province. L’évaluation de la performance de chaque maillons de la filière a été faite grâce à l’analyse de l’enveloppement des données. •Les résultats : L’activité du café génère une valeur ajoutée et un résultat net d’exploitation positif pour tous les acteurs. Certains acteurs ont atteint une efficacité d’échelle alors que d’autres montrent l’inefficacité d’échelle. •Les implications : L’activité caféicole est rentable et viable pour tous les agents. Les maillons présentant une inefficacité d’échelle devraient améliorer leurs rendements d'échelle.

Mots clés: valeur ajoutée ; filière ; rentabilité ; viabilité ; café robusta

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