The Algerian Journal of Globalization and Economic Policies is a scientific periodical refereed journal, it appeared in 2010 and published once a year. It publishes economic, commercial and management fields researches and studies which have not been published yet, have been treated in a scientific manner. Reviewers certify articles after being refereed secretly and passing blind review by respecting scientific rules of publications and avoiding plagiary. This journal is issued as part of the research of scientific activities of the Laboratory of Globalization and Economic Policies, considered as a platform to submit the results of researches and studies related to the laboratory interest. The policy of publishing in the journal is drawn by the council of the laboratory in the light of national plan research orientations .It represents by consulting the scientific committee; this latter is composed of distinguished national, regional and international professors and researchers. It also contains an editorial board. The Algerian Journal of Globalization and Economic Policies is a journal open to contributions for free; including researches of different entities, academics, governmental organization, international organization and economic institutions. It publishes articles in three languages: Arabic, French, and English.
منصور أحلام
قدي عبد المجيد
كبداني أسماء
بوشتة يحيى
مسقم نورالدين
شيبوط سليمان
عزوزي خديجة
بلايلية ربيع
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