مجلة المواقف
Volume 17, Numéro 1, Pages 195-211
الكاتب : دليو فضيل .
Historical method: Between qualitative and quantitative trends Abstract: Access to historical truth requires a scientific methodology of history as a social field. This methodology comprises guidelines and techniques by which historians use primary and secondary sources in order to study a phenomenon in a particular temporal context. If the nature of some of these techniques is quantitative and claims to itself more credibility and greater generalizability, then it remains, of course, unable to study wide areas of historical reality for objective reasons mainly related to the nature of some data that is absent or qualitative at all. Therefore, the research path of the historical method has explored both trends, from which the need for their integrative use is deduced. Nowing that, internal and external validity procedures must always be considered. That is what this article will try to present along conluding with some practical precautions.
Historical Method ; Quantitative & Qualitative Trends ; Internal and External Validity.
سيدي عابد عبد القادر
ص 236-253.
صالحي أسماء
ص 191-208.
بن عيسى محمد المهدي
بغدادي خيرة
ص 983-994.