El Mourchid is an annual scientific journal in psychology and educational sciences. First published in 2011. It aims to promote research in scientific fields related to psychology and education. offers an opportunity for creative scientific production and the promotion of scientific research by encouraging researchers to publish their work. Also, offers the possibility of producing knowledge encouraging the use of psychometric data analysis by statistical software in the social sciences. El Mourchid is a multidisciplinary journal which is interested in all studies dealing with psychological difficulties, educational problems and the development of health awareness in all populations. Treats drug addiction in all its forms, is interested in family difficulties. For the language of publication, El Mourchid is a multilingual journal that publishes articles in Arabic, French and English. The journal also provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to participate in original works in the field of psychology and educational sciences. The journal is published in electronic format and can be downloaded free via ASJP. has a sttaf of associated publishers and rewievers who ensure the rigorous evaluation of articles. El Mourchid seeks to increase the level of scientific effort to publish distinguished articles. ..
السيدات والسادة الباحثين
على الراغبين في نشر مقالاتهم بمجلة المرشد، يمكنهم ارسال المقالات مفتوح في كل وقت
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والاطلاع على دليل المؤلف
نحن نشجع نشر مقالات علمية قيمة ومتميزة بالثلاث لغات عربية وفرنسية وانجليزية
يمكنكم المراسلة عبر هذا ايمايل المجلة elmourchidmajala@gmail.com
بالتوفيق للجميع
بلخيري فتيحة
سايل حدة وحيدة
عيناد ثابت اسماعيل
الحناشي غزالة
زبدي ناصرالدين
شبعاني فاطمة
قرة نورالدين
الورعادي فاتح
دكتورة نظمية فخري خليل حجازي
Bechiche Hana
Gameel Muhammad
Tchikou Hamida
Tensaout Safia
Benmohamed Hanan
Fakroun Nor El Houda
Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés