فصل الخطاب
Volume 12, Numéro 1, Pages 7-30
الكاتب : محفوظي سليمة .
تتأتّى فاعلية الخطاب وقدرته على التأثير والإقناع من خلال طريقة بناء النص،وتعاضد عناصره وتلاؤمها، ذلك أننّا نتوجّه بالخطاب إلى فئات تختلف في تصوراتها وعاداتها ونظرتها للحياة، وعليه وجب أن يُكيّف الخطاب الحجاجيّ بحسب توجهات كلّ فئة ،حتى يكسب المُخاطِب تأييد المستمع ويظفر بالتجاوب الذي ينشده الحجاج. لقد شكّل نثر الجاحظ علامة تحوّل في تاريخ بلاغة النّثر العربي، ذلك أنّه تمكّن من تدشين عهد جديد على مستوى الكتابة النّثرية،استطاع فيه أن ينقل مفهوم البلاغة من الإطار الجمالي الضيّق الذي آثرته الثّقافة العربية طويلاً.إلى إطار آخر قام أكثر ما يكون على الأبعاد الوظيفية والتّداولية المستجيبة لدينامية الفعل التّواصلي، بين منتج ومتلق، في وقت كانت "أدبية" النّص العربي ما تزال مرادفة "للشّعرية" ومساوية لها،واعتُبر الخروج عن القوالب المعيارية والمواصفات النّمطية شذوذاً وانحرافا عن المواضعات المتفق عليها. The effectiveness of the discourse and its ability to influence and persuade comes through the method of constructing the text, the solidarity of its elements, and their compatibility, because we address the discourse to groups that differ in their perceptions, habits, and outlook on life, and it is necessary for the pilgrim discourse to be adapted according to the orientations of each group. So that the speaker wins the support of the listener and gains the response sought by the pilgrims. The prose of Al-Jahiz marked a turning point in the history of the rhetoric of Arabic prose, as he was able to inaugurate a new era in prose writing, in which he was able to transfer the concept of rhetoric from the narrow aesthetic framework that Arab culture had long favored, to another one based more on functional dimensions The pragmatism responding to the dynamism of the communicative act, between a producer and a recipient, at a time when the "literary" of the Arabic text was still synonymous with and equal to "poetry", and the departure from the normative forms and the stereotypical specifications was considered an anomaly and a deviation from the agreed issues. The effectiveness of the discourse and its ability to influence and persuade comes through the method of constructing the text, the solidarity of its elements, and their compatibility, because we address the discourse to groups that differ in their perceptions, habits, and outlook on life, and it is necessary for the pilgrim discourse to be adapted according to the orientations of each group. So that the speaker wins the support of the listener and gains the response sought by the pilgrims. The prose of Al-Jahiz marked a turning point in the history of the rhetoric of Arabic prose, as he was able to inaugurate a new era in prose writing, in which he was able to transfer the concept of rhetoric from the narrow aesthetic framework that Arab culture had long favored, to another one based more on functional dimensions The pragmatism responding to the dynamism of the communicative act, between a producer and a recipient, at a time when the "literary" of the Arabic text was still synonymous with and equal to "poetry", and the departure from the normative forms and the stereotypical specifications was considered an anomaly and a deviation from the agreed issues
بلاغة؛ تداول ؛إقناع؛ الجاحظ ؛متلقي ؛ نثر ; : Rhetoric ; Pragmaticism; persuasion; El Jahiz; receiver; prose
دحمون عبد الرزاق
دحمون عبد الرزاق
ص 141-194.