khazzartech الاقتصاد الصناعي

Industrial Economics Journal


“Industrial Economics Journal –Khezzartech” is a Specialized International double-blind peer-reviewed, an open-access journal, free of charges and biannual. The journal is issued and edited by the Faculty of Economics, Commercial Studies and Management Sciences- University of Batna 1 Hadj Lakhdar Algeria. “Industrial Economics Journal –Khezzartech” focuses on various topics such as: Economics, Industrial Economics, Management, Finance, Marketing and Accounting. The journal also aimed to attract researchers around the world to exchange experiences and results, to ensure a useful exchange of knowledge and researches. The journal receives and publishes original researches and it is characterized by quality and originality, whether the theoretical or applied researches are written in three different languages: Arabic, English and French.







Evaluating Islamic banks financial performance before and during COVID-19 using Camels Standards

ماحي نادية,  رحمون نسرين, 

Résumé: The study's objectives are to evaluate and analyze financial performance of Islamic Banking pre & post COVID-19. To achieve this objective, we applied the CAMELS standards over the period 2018-2023 on Al Rajihi Bank as a sample. The study concluded that CAMELS Standards has a great capacity to determine the financial performance of Al Rajihi Bank within all of its parameters; the results showed that Al Rajihi Bank have strong and efficient financial performance during COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the result of its performance evaluation using CAMELS standards indicates that it is in a strong position. Moreover, it has achieved satisfactory results. This is due to his capital, quality, and volume of assets, which are good income.

Mots clés: Islamic banks ; financial performance ; CAMELS Rating system ; COVID-19.

الدور المُعدِّل للمرونة التصنيعية في تحسين أثر إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تحسين جودة المنتجات في شركة دواجن النيل بالسودان

مقلد محمود عبد المعطي هاشم عبد الحميد, 

الملخص: هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على الدور المُعدِّل للمرونة التصنيعية في تحسين أثر إدارة الجودة الشاملة في تحسين جودة المنتجات في شركة دواجن النيل بالسودان. توصلت الدراسة إلى مجموعة من النتائج من أهمها: وجود أثر ذو دلالة إحصائية للمرونة التصنيعية في تعديل وتحسين أثر إدارة الجودة الشاملة بأبعادها: (التركيز على العملاء، التحسين المستمر، فريق العمل) في تحسين جودة المنتجات في شركة دواجن النيل بالسودان بتغير في معامل التحديد قدره (0.021) The study aimed to identify the moderating role of Manufacturing Flexibility in improving the impact of Total Quality Management in Products Quality Improvement at Nile Poultry Company in Sudan. The study found a set of results, the most important of which is: the existence of a statistically significant impact of Manufacturing Flexibility in modifying and improving the impact of Total Quality Management in its dimensions: (Costumers Focus, Continuous Improvement and Team Work) in Products Quality Improvement at Nile Poultry Company in Sudan with a change in the determination coefficient of (0.021). Keywords: Total Quality Management; Manufacturing Flexibility Products Quality Improvement; Nile Poultry Company in Sudan (the company).

الكلمات المفتاحية: إدارة الج

Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés

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