Recherchers economiques manageriales

مجلة ابحاث اقتصادية و ادارية


Journal of Economic and Managerial research is a semi-annual, peer-reviewed scientific journal. It publishes original and innovative scientific researches and studies in the fields of economic, commercial and management sciences which respond to the methodology requirements, it issued by the Faculty of Economic and Commercial Sciences and Managerial Sciences at the University of Mohamed Khider Biskra- Algeria. The journal started its activity without interruption since 2007 (ISSN: 1112-7902, EISSN: 2602-6635). It is non-commercial, does not impose fees on researches arbitration and accepted articles for publication. From the conditions of the journal that the research is new in its content, has not been published in any other scientific journal, or participate in scientific conferences. The editorial board and the scientific committee of journal will be keen to attract specialized professors, practitioners, and doctoral students from national and international universities to publish research of high scientific level. The journal receives the theoretical and applied researches in three languages: Arabic, French and English.


  جديد النشر


مجلة أبحاث اقتصادية وإداريـــة

تصدر عن

كليـة العلوم الاقتصادية،التجارية وعلوم التسيير ـ جامعة محمد خيضر بسكرة ـ الجزائر

ISSN: 1112-7902 E- ISSN: 2602-6635



Description :  Recherchers economiques manageriales

  جديد النشر

يسر  هيئة  تحرير مجلة أبحاث اقتصادية و إدارية الصادرة عن جامعة محمد خيضر بسكرة –الجزائر- و المصنفة في الصنف ج أن تعلم كافة الباحثين من أساتذة و طلبة من داخل و خارج الوطن

 أن استقبال المقالات سيكون طيلة أيام السنة الجامعية مع ضرورة احترام شروط النشر كاملة و المبينة على رابط المجلة بالمنصة الجزائرية للمجلات العلمية


بسكرة في: 15-12-2024

رئيس التحرير

البروفيسور حجازي اسماعيل



















Digital Transformations And The Reality Of Blockchain

سيساني ميدون, 

Résumé: The aim of this study is to clarify the concept and mechanisms by which block chain technology operates, which represents a new revolution in the world of finance.This study focuses on giving a comprehensive view about this technology, and its users who are constantly multiplying. Finally, we found that no one can deny that block chain technology has become a technology that deserves attention and imposing itself on the global arena.

Mots clés: Cryptocurrency ; Blockchain ; Bitcoin ; Electronic money

Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés

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