مجلة الدراسات القانونية
Volume 10, Numéro 2, Pages 669-681

Protecting Consumer Satisfaction To Support Trust In Electronic Contracting

Authors : Zouba Samira .


The consumer engaging in remote contracting via the internet is the weaker party in the economic equation. Hence, it is essential to enable them to optimally benefit from their financial resources and protect them from anything that could harm their economic interests, which are directly affected whenever any element of the desired goods is deficient. The information obtained by the consumer is determined by what the professional (the supplier) discloses. Therefore, the latter is required to provide the consumer with several pieces of information before the latter concludes the contract, a requirement known as the obligation to enlighten. Trust in the electronic market is crucial for consumers to meet their personal needs. Thus, the legislator has moved towards imposing a formality to confirm the information provided to the consumer, through an electronic contract validated by the consumer, pursuant to Law 18-05 on electronic commerce


right to information ; contractual balance ; confirmation of information ; sanctions