Le Manager



The International Journal of THE MANAGER is a bi-annual multidisciplinary open access scientific journal, which is published by the Higher School of Management and Digital Economy of the KOLEA University pole, helping researchers to share their research information since 2014. Our aim is to share research advances in applied, theoretical and practical economic studies. We are promoting the publication of original, new and economically relevant research in our international journal. The mission behind starting this journal is to provide a reliable and trusted platform for academics, and researchers to share their empirical, research and results on a global scale through simplest and easiest process possible. The journal's objective is to promote the exchange of scientific information between researchers. The journal provides a platform for scientific research and academic discourse in all economics fields and specially in "economics, econometrics and finance", "management studies and digital economy" and "economics studies in financing strategies of local development". It attempts to strengthen scientific links between international laboratories and researches institutions. It encourages up-to-date studies, and contributes as such to the scientific development. The journal « THE MANAGER » acknowledges high quality original theoretical and empirical research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, the conceptual framework, analysis and simulation models, technical note from researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students from all over the world. The journal « The MANAGER » welcomes original manuscripts which meet conventional scientific criteria, and which are written in Arabic, French or English.


تمديد آجال النشر

تمديد آجال النشر

نزولا عند طلب الأساتذة والباحثين تم تمديد آجال استقبال المقالات للنشر حتى يوم: 2024/10/17، وهذا عن طريق البوابة الوطنية للمجلات العلمية )ASJP(، عبر الرابط التالي:



يرجى الالتزام بـ : - اختصاص المجلة.

              - قالب ونموذج المقالات المرسلة.

               - مواعيد استقبال المقالات.


لاستفساراتكم، يرجى الاتصال: الهاتف: 19 01 38 024

البريد الالكتروني: revue.lemanager@gmail.com


                                                      رئيسة تحرير المجلة






