المجلة الدولية للبحوث القانونية والسياسية
Volume 7, Numéro 3, Pages 7-21

Electronic Fraud From Changing The Concept .......to Changing The Protection

Authors : Ghazioui Hinda .


Abstract: Fraud and swindling are considered traditional crimes that are based on appropriating movable money owned by deceiving the victim and forcing him to hand over, and the Algerian legislator stipulated it in the penal law in article 372 of it , but the development of this concept at the present time , as the term appeared in keeping with developments the information era is electronic fraud , as the crime takes place on electronic platforms aimed at seizing the money of others using various fraudulent ways, and we have recently witnessed many cases of electronic fraud , the latest of which was the fraud that occurred to Algerian students who went to study abroad, and I asked many the ink is about how to follow up on this type of crime that takes place on virtual platforms and what protection mechanisms are decided by the legislator in such special crimes in the face of the difficulty of them , can we rely on traditional texts or is it necessary to search for new texts and mechanisms, and accordingly came this study sheds light on the concept of electronic fraud from the concept change to the need to change the protection mechanisms .


fraud electronic ; swindling ; electronic crimes ; penal law ; protection