مجلة العلوم الانسانية لجامعة أم البواقي
Volume 9, Numéro 1, Pages 834-848
Authors : Bouznit Mohammed . Himrane Mohammed .
This study aims to empirically analyse the relationship between gender equality in education and economic growth in Algeria over the period of 1971-2017 using the ARDL model. For doing so, GDP is considered as a function of a set of explanatory variables namely; gross fixed capital formation as a measure of capital investment, gender parity index in secondary education, exports and imports of goods and services. The obtained results show that GDP is positively influenced by the gender parity index in secondary education and investment in physical capital, and imports and exports of goods and services. Indeed, an increase by 1% in gender equality in education leads to raise the GDP by 0.32%. The elasticity with respect to gender educational equality index is three times more than that of physical capital.
Gender equality ; Economic growth ; ARDL Model ; Elasticity ; Imports and exports ; Algeria
Godmane Mohammed
pages 595-604.
سهام بن رحو
ص 347-362.
بوحفص بوزيد
فضيل عبد الكريم
ص 41-52.
Aragbuwa Adetutu
Dahunsi Toyese
pages 73-89.
Djouimai Nacera
pages 51-71.