Psychological and educational studies is an annual scientific journal. that is issued and published by the University of Algiers2, in an electronic and copy format. The first publication of this journal dates from 1985, and it is concerned with publishing various scientific research from multiple countries and cultures. This review is not only concerned with the psychological and educational aspects, but it is a multidisciplinary journal (Social science, education, health (Social Sciences), human factors and ergonomics, linguistics, and language, sociology and political science, demography, urban studies, social work, psychology, applied psychology, clinical Psychology, developmental and educational psychology, cognitive and experimental psychology, neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology, Social Psychology). The Research papers are published in three languages: Arabic, English, and French. It is interested in the dissemination of originally applied research which is treated in a documented scientific method.
نعلم كل من الأساتذة وطلبة الدكتوراه الأفاضل عن صدور العدد القادم في شهر نوفمبر 2022. من يرغب في نشر مقال علمي يجب أن يحترم الشروط الشكلية والاطلاع على دليل المؤلف. ينبغي ألا يقل عدد صفحات المقال عن 10صفحات ولا يفوق 25 صفحة.
Bachene Hamza
Himrane Amel
Mechtaoui Fatima Zahra
Kadri Hamza
Doumi Kenza
Saadi Ouarda
Hamouda Hamouda Ali Hadjer
Moffak Dihia
Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés