The Economic Science, Management and Business Science is a semi-annual, international, refereed, and it is a free academic Journal published by the Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences at the University of M’sila - Algeria. The Journal publishes academic research for researchers and professionals, thus giving researchers the opportunity to introduce their original scientific output, and providing an academic platform to contribute to innovative work in this field. The Journal focuses its publications in the fields of economics, administration, finance, accounting and researches related to the economic, commercial and management fields. The Journal also aims to raise its level of research published, and scientific recognition by universities and academic researchers of national, Arab countries and in the wold and seeking to be ranked, including the indexing data for scientific journals. The Journal also publishes the original scientific studies and researches, which reflect the latest research and developments in the practical aspects of the national economy, society and human behavior. A team of arbitrators in various relevant disciplines from national universities and foreign research centers which arbitrate the articles. Since its establishment in 2008, the Journal is publishing its research in three languages: Arabic, English and French, at the time of issue – June and December.
عباسي طلال
معيوف هدى
بلقليل نورالدين
أبركان محمد
بوعلي عبد النور
بولحديد مراد
زعيبط نورالدين
زيدان سمية
عصماني سفيان
دحدوح نبيل
بوبعاية حسان
بودي شوق الشروق
عمري سامي
باشا سمية
موسى صليحة
بن زرقة ليلى
شرقي الخنساء
شرفاوي عائشة
قتاب امينة
عثماني ميرة
درمان ناجي
ماجي عبد المجيد
بوجلة فاطمة
مدلس نجاة
بن سالم امال
بوقرة رابح
كباب منال
أبو حبيب جهاد
حفاف وليد
جعيجع رضوان
بن واضح الهاشمي
عمرون وداد
رقاد صليحة
حملة عيسى
بوزيدي جمال
Mohammed Benahmed Asmaa
Reguig Abdelmalek
Hamdaoui Mourad
Benzekhroufa Boualem
Boudir Imene
Berbar Mouloud
Chalour Ouissem
Merouani Rabeh
Namaani Abdennour
Hamidi Abderrezak
Lehad Rachida
Leghima Amina
Boutora Fadila
Boutora Fatma Zohra
Belyardouhe Hassiba
Stambouli Asmaa
Almi Hassiba
Si Salah- Kissoum Karima
Tadjine-dahmoune Rhadia
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