مجلة هيرودوت للعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية
Volume 4, Numéro 3, Pages 27-38
الكاتب : مياطه التجاني . حناي محمد . حاج سعد سليم .
إنَّ هجرة الهكسوس إلى مصر كانت ذات صلة بتحركات الشُّعوب الكبيرة، التي هاجرت من أواسط آسيا تحت ضغط الظُّروف البشرية أو الطَّبيعية المجهولة، وهذا منذ أوائل الألف الثَّانية ق م، ثم دخلت على فترات متقطعة طويلة واتخذت طريقين الأوَّل إلى شرق أوروبا والآخر إلى الأناضول وأراضي الهلال الخصيب، كما اختلفت وسائل تحركاتهم ونتائج هجراتهم من عصر إلى عصر ومن منطقة إلى اخرى واختلفت أسماء الشُّعوب المهاجرة حسب مسح الاحداث والظروف والبلاد التي دخلوها، وقد أسموهم المؤرخين بشعوب "الهندو أوربيين" وشعوب بلاد النَّهرين سموا بـ: "الكاشيين"، وآسيا الصغرى "الحيثيين"، أما المناطق السُّوريَّة الشَّماليَّة والشَّرقيَّة هم "الحوريين"، أما الاغريق "الآخيين"، وفي المصادر المصرية ذكروا في "حقا خاسوت". The migration of the Hyksos to Egypt was related to the movements of large peoples who migrated from Central Asia under the pressure of unknown human or natural conditions, and this since the early second millennium BC, and then entered intermittently long and took two routes first to Eastern Europe and the other to Anatolia and the territory of the Fertile Crescent, The means of their movements and the results of their migrations varied from age to age and from region to region and the names of the immigrant peoples varied according to the survey of events, conditions and countries they entered. They named them historians as the Indo-European and Mesopotamian peoples called "Kashi" and Asia Minor "Hittites". Syrian North The eastern "Horites", and the Greeks "Achaeans", the Egyptian sources "really Khasot." A section of these migrations reached the land of Syria during the 19th century or early 18th century BC and then entered to its south and destabilized the entity of the Emirates of Syria and the Amorites began to move and a group arrived to the south-east due to pressure from the immigrants and entered Egypt from the north-eastern border during the dynasty 13 Some of the dominant and defeated Aryans, Amorites, and Semites, and began to spread near its borders and on the ways of its trade with the land of the Levant, and some infiltrated pastures east of the Delta during the period of internal turmoil during the days of the Middle Kingdom, especially the Amorites, where they facilitated the way knowing the roads of the northeastern desert and the former Salhm to Egypt, and have penetrated the peoples of the Egyptian border after the survival period of time because of another pressure Ari according to a new immigration line from northern Syria to the south may be pressure Horites founding cities so new and enriched in the cities they found.
الهجرة البشرية، بلاد المغرب القديم، الشُّعوب الليبيَّة، التَّفاعل الحضاري، الحضارة الفينيقية، قرطاجة. ; Key words: human migration, ancient Maghreb countries, Libyan peoples, civilization interaction, Phoenician civilization, Carthage.
طويل عماد
ص 265-276.
نور الدين مرزوقي
ص 225-244.