Economic Researcher Review is an internationally recognized, peer-reviewed, specialized scientific journal, It was founded in 2013 published by The University of skikda , ALGERIA.
Economic Researcher Review publishes two issue per year in June and December, our journal does not charge article processing charges (APC) at any stage of the articles, including submission, evaluation and publication, or page fees and is committed to fostering the principles of open access publishing.
As a peer-reviewed, open-access Journal “Economic Researcher Review” is a leading scientific academic journal in Algeria, reflects the current situation of Algeria economy and other countries, based on studies results of Algerian and foreign, the journal also aimed to attract researchers around the world to exchange experiences and results, to ensure a useful exchange of knowledge and results.
We publish articles covering a wide range of economics topics, including issues related to management, business, and finance, banking and accounting, international trade and marketing.
ERR publishes original high-quality papers that contribute to the development of conceptual, theoretical, and empirical research. Generally, Economic Researcher Review accepts two types of papers: Original papers, Review papers.
All emails enquiries and other correspondence related to the Economic Researcher Review should be addressed to:
All manuscripts will first be evaluated by the editor for suitability to the journal and plagiarism check, Unoriginal or insufficiently original manuscripts are rejected.
The peer review process starts once you have submitted your paper to journal via ASJP and accepted by editors, your paper will be sent for assessment by independent experts in your field. The reviewers are asked to judge the validity, significance, and originality of your work, a minimum of two independent reviewers is normally required for every research article
The journal follows a double-blind review process, the comments and suggestions (acceptance/ rejection/ amendments in manuscript) received from reviewers are conveyed to the corresponding author, after receiving the response from two referees, the editor will make a decision for the submission to Editor-in-Chief and the final decision will be taken by Editor-in-Chief.
Overall, the publication process from submission to publish will be 8-16 weeks.
Papers must be original, unpublished, and not pending publication elsewhere, ERR has a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism, all articles submitted to the Economic Researcher Review will be subjected to an Detectia plagiarism (online plagiarism detection software) to check for similarities, if plagiarism is detected at any stage of the review process, the manuscript will be immediately rejected,
If plagiarism is confirmed/established after publication, the manuscript(s) will be withdrawn from the journal, an appropriate statement will be made, and strict action will be taken against the authors
the maximum acceptable score of similarity is 20%, above which the submission will be rejected, the article will be returned to the author for correction and re-submission.
All articles published in the Economic Researcher Review (ERR) are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
This license requires that reusers give credit to the creator. It allows reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format, for noncommercial purposes only.
the platform of ASJP provides electronic hosting, archiving and editorial process management services for Algerian academic journals, the Algerian Scientific Journals Platform developed by CERIST supports the existence of national academic journals in accordance with the standards and increases their international visibility.
For more information about the archiving system, you may contact:
ERR self-archiving policy establishes that authors can archive publisher’s version/PDF in any repository.
Call for papers
The frequency of publication is biannual (two issues per volume, first in June and second in December).
For ISSUE 01 (from february 10 to April 10)
For ISSUE 02 (from August 10 to October 10)
The paper submission can be done directly from asjp platform, and the Authors can track their submitted research manuscript at every step of publication process
important: Please use these templates for the submission of your manuscript to the ERR
رفار عبد القادر الأمير,
Mots clés: electronic human resources management ; information technology ; green human resources management
إشوف عبد النور
عيشاوي علي
بن طاق هلا
نعمان محصول
سلطان كريمة
بوباكير أمال
بوساق كريمة
رجم نورالدين
لزغد أسماء
سليماني منيرة
لموي أمينة
بوقفة وفاء
بوفليسي نجمة
رميته عبد الغني
فضيل فارس
معاندي أمينة
بوغازي حسينة
بوصبع ناصر
زعيبط نورالدين
ركي /
Saadi Randa
Bramgui Radhia
Trifa Mohamed
Chenaker Zakia
Bouhafs Samiha
Rabhi Derradji
Kouache Khaled
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