Our journal is an annual review published by the Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences at the University of Djilali Liabes Sidi Bel-Abbés Algeria. Articles written in Arabic, French or English are accepted by the editorial staff. It, in fact, responds to the request of the scientific community who seek to see its emergence as a means of exchange amongst its members. Thanks to its mission of disseminating scientific knowledge that our journal offers researchers the opportunity to publish their work in different areas of economics. Namely, management, finance, marketing, human resources management, and international trade. Since its creation, it has often favored original and innovative practical work backed up by theoretical reflections. Its main concern is to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge to the academic community and practitioners in the field. Additionally, it ensures this noble mission with the help of its highly competent editorial board who actively participate to the promotion of the journal and to the satisfaction its readers.
صافر خديجة
زوهري جليلة
ودان سهام
بختي زوليخة
حداد أمنة
مدلس نجاة
حرمه وفاء
معطاالله محمد
تلي سيف الدين
حوة فاطيمة
بن قراش محمد نور الدين
بلهادي عبد الصمد
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