The "Journal of Law, Society, and Authority" is an internationally recognized scholarly and peer-reviewed publication. It is administered by the "Research Unit: State and Society" at the University of Oran 2 in Algeria. The journal maintains a biannual release schedule, producing two issues per volume.
The primary objective of the journal is to disseminate original and credible scholarly contributions within the domains of legal and political sciences. Additionally, the journal endeavors to showcase the outcomes of scholarly gatherings and seminars. Moreover, it facilitates the dissemination of well-translated research pieces, ensuring their accessibility to a broader audience of researchers. This, in turn, furnishes valuable academic material for students, educators, researchers, and practitioners specializing in the journal’s areas of focus, encompassing judges, lawyers, and other experts.
Contributing to the "Journal of Law, Society, and Authority" necessitates adherence to a set of guiding principles that underpin the conduct of authors and all other stakeholders engaged in the publication process. This extends to editors, reviewers, and publishers, who are collectively bound by a consistent code of conduct and ethical standards. These shared principles establish a framework that aligns with the responsibilities designated to each participant—a commitment that the journal is dedicated to upholding.
The journal's team aspires to achieve a commendable standard of academic publishing by upholding the scope and criteria for generating scholarly knowledge in line with globally recognized benchmarks. To broaden its reach, the journal publishes both electronic and print versions, available in Arabic, English, and French.
It's important to note that there are no charges associated with article evaluation, and the publication process within the journal incurs no fees.
The "Journal of Law, Society, and Authority" operates under the terms of a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
مجلة القانون، المجتمع والسلطة Journal of Law, Society and Authority © 2012 by Reseach Unit State and Society/University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed- وحدة البحث الدولة والمجتمع/جامعة وهران 2 محمد بن أحمد is licensed under CC BY 4.0
دعوة للمساهمة:
تحضيرا للعدد الأول من المجلد 14 لمجلة القانون المجتمع والسلطة، المزمع صدوره شهر سبتمبر المقبل 2024؛ تعلن هيئة التحرير عن بداية استقبالها لمقالات الباحثين والأساتذة في تخصصي العلوم القانونية والسياسية ، باللغات الثلاث: الإنجليزية؛ الفرنسية والعربية؛ مع منح الأولوية في النشر للمقالات المحررة باللغات الأجنبية.
نتطلع إلى استلام مساهماتكم ونشكركم على مشاركتكم القيمة في تقدم الحدود المعرفية في ميداني القانون والعلوم السياسية.
Call for Contribution:
In preparation for the second issue of Volume 13 of the Law Society and Authority Journal, scheduled for release in September 2024, the editorialboardannounces the commencement of the reception of contributions fromresearchers and professors in the fields of law and political science, in the threelanguages: English, French, and Arabic, with a priority for publication given to articles written in foreignlanguages.
We look forward to receivingyour contributions and appreciateyourvaluable participation in advancing the knowledgefrontier in the fields of law and political science.
Appel à contribution :
En préparation du deuxième numéro du volume 13 de la Revue de la Société de Droit et Pouvoir, prévu pour septembre 2024, le comité éditorial annonce le début de la réception des contributions des chercheurs et enseignants dans les domaines du droit et des sciences politiques, dans les trois langues : anglais, français et arabe, avec une priorité de publication accordée aux articles rédigés dans les langues étrangères.
Nous attendons avec impatience la réception de vos contributions et vous remercions pour votre précieuse participation à l'avancement des connaissances dans les domaines du droit et des sciences politiques.
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الكلمات المفتاحية: Cyberbullying, children, modern technology, social networking sites, immoral behavior
Schmid Bernard
Kaci Fouzia
Bureau Jeanne
Benreguia Hassina
Gouasmia Siham
Gouasmia Asma
Ounissi Dounia
Ouladnaoui Mourad
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حسين أحمد
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