les cahiers du mecas
Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 5-20
Authors : Hallouz Wafaa . Benhabib Abderrezzak .
The aim of this paper is to study the variables that affect customers loyalty in banking sector, and investigate the empirical relationship between them. For this purpose, a questionnaire was distributed to sample of customers from six Algerian public banks in Tlemcen. The estimation results show that customer satisfaction is a good factor in the assessment of overall banking ser-vice performance and quality. The findings confirm the positive indirect impact of banking service quality, financial benefits and social bonding on customer loyalty. In this paper, data are analyzed with the Structural Equation Modeling technique.
banking service quality, financial benefits, social bonding, satisfaction, loyalty.
Mansouri Chaima
Hassani Rekia
pages 999-1012.
Morkane Mohamed El Bachir
Bani Fathi
Sahouane Ali
pages 610-629.
Laghouag Abderrazak Ahmed Zian
pages 1-20.
مداني شريف عبدالله
خديم أمال
ص 335-355.