مجلة الاقتصاد والتنمية المستدامة
Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 259-278
Authors : Zaimi Ramzi .
This study aims to highlight the importance of the transition towards the green economy as one of the most important stratégiques options that the state can adopt in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, by reducing the environmental and social risks resulting from the brown economy, which has become a trend for many countries of the world, whether developed among them or even developing ones, where many successful international experiences have emerged in the transition towards a green economy through the development of a strategy that works to green some economic sectors such as energy, agriculture, waste and other sectors.
Environment ; Green economy ; Sustainable development
عبد الرؤوف بوجريو
زينب بوراي
ص 23-43.
حفاظ زحل
عمر الشريف
ص 49-68.
Benazza Hanaa
pages 46-58.
Djeddi Sarah
pages 182-201.
Bramgui Radhia
Rahmouni Ahmed
pages 232-251.