Volume 10, Numéro 4, Pages 11-24
Authors : Lettad Kahina .
The current investigation focuses on the spelling errors made by a dyslexic Arabic-speaking student in the fourth grade. BA scored in the fifth percentile on the exam used to evaluate his reading and writing skills, which suggests a dysfunction in the growth of such skills. BA's errors were characterized by phonological errors in all word types, there BA did not show a lexicality impact. Long vowel and "tanwin" vowel errors dominated these phonological errors. We believe that the case B-A response statistics do not correspond to the theoretical data on the various types of dyslexia. This might be due to the fact that Arabic is a transparent language, that is strongly focused on phonological processing.
Dyslexia ; Arabic language ; reading skills ; writing skills ; , error types
Mr. Yahya Bin Salman Alqahtani
pages 281-394.
Mega Faiza
Kedadra Chauouki
pages 381-390.
Bourouina El-hadj
pages 511-522.
Tobbi Saida
pages 290-299.
بن شرطان شهرزاد
بشلاغم يحي
ص 773-801.