مجلة إشكالات في اللغة و الأدب
Volume 12, Numéro 3, Pages 496-507

Investigating The Effects Of Memory Strategies On Vocabulary Learning

Authors : Nasri Fatima Zohra . Ghaouar Nesrine .


Vocabulary is an integral part of language learning; however, it is very challenging for foreign language learners to develop vocabulary in English. Therefore, training learners on memory strategies would help them learn, memorize, and use vocabulary efficiently. Subsequently, this study is an attempt to investigate the effects of implementing memory strategies in developing vocabulary learning to the students of the National High School of Mines and Metallurgy (NHSMM). To fulfill the purpose of the study, fifty students were selected and divided into two groups: experiment and control group. Twelve memory strategies were chosen to train the experiment group on vocabulary learning, alongside with pre and post tests for both groups. The results showed that there were significant differences between the pre test and the post test and proved the efficiency of training the experimental group on memory strategies.


vocabulary learning, ; memory strategies, ; effects of memory strategies