The North African Journal of Food and Nutrition Research
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 122-129

Examination Of Traditional Fermented Food Consumption And Product Awareness Of University Students In Istanbul, Turkey

Authors : Aktaç şule . Kundakçı Simay . Güneş Fatma Esra .


Background: Traditional fermented foods (TFF), which display positive effects on health, constitute a part of the traditions of a region and have continuity over many years. Familiarity with a product and the naturalness of food are positively associated with general attitudes toward traditional food consumption. Aims: To determine university students’ awareness and consumption of TFF and related factors in Turkey. Subjects and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, the faculties of Marmara University were stratified between January and June 2019, and a questionnaire on TFF consumption and related knowledge and attitudes was administered to 1,233 volunteer students selected using the random sampling method. The normality of data distribution was checked with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and the data were analyzed with the chi-square test. Results: The students were familiar with the majority of TFF, with the most common being yoghurt (91.8%) and cheese (88.7%), while hardaliye (27.1%) and olives (27.1%) were less known TFF products. The majority of the students (60.7-99.2%) consumed cheese, yoghurt, pickled olives, pickle, soudjouk, tarhana, vinegar, and butter. The TFF were habitually consumed as industrial products, except tarhana, pickle, and yoghurt. It was also determined that the TFF consumption did not change according to the season in 76.4% of the students, and it was affected by the consumption of parents, whether they lived with their family or alone (p < 0.05). Conclusions: The students showed high awareness of TTF consumption, which was influenced by parent’s consumption and lifestyles. To ensure the continuity of TFF consumption, positive attitudes and behaviors must be maintained.


Consumption, familiarity, fermented foods, industrial products, Turkey