مجلة التنمية والاقتصاد التطبيقي
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 111-123
Authors : Mohamed Azhar Dr. Ali Imad .
Globalization is the process of increased interconnectedness among countries. The prosperous economic development that is typically gained because of the increased interconnectedness among countries usually results in a better standard of living, and an overall improved quality of life. The successful economic development of a nation hinges on its ability to globalize. Given that the international integration of national economies has such a profound effect, globalization plays a central role in determining the future of the world. This paper attempts to explain what role globalization has played and its overall impact on economic development And Ukrainian-Jordanian relations in the light of globalization ,The last chapter deals with the pros and cons of these relationships .
globalization, foreign economic, trade, Ukraine, Jordan.
بوسالم أحلام
عابد يوسف
ص 117-132.
Yahia Zeghoudi
pages 74-88.
Said Houari Amel
pages 257-268.
بوطورة حنان
منصوري سميرة
ص 203-217.