Traduction et Langues
Volume 20, Numéro 1, Pages 280-297
Auteurs : Warayanssa Mawoune .
Each natural language carries a characteristic structure (lexical, syntactic, and semantic structures) which is the reflection of a certain experience that its speakers have of the world as well as of the things that surround them. African languages, like other languages of the world, are characterized by this phenomenon of ideological reflection of the doxic structures of the communities that practice them and use them as a means of exchange and communication. This paper examines the lexicological structures of grammatical gender formation in Guidar, a language of Chadic origin spoken in the North Cameroon Region. It also aims to set out the lexico-semantic processes at the base of the creation process and lexical development in Guidar. The article assumes that the derivational process (suffixation in this case) that supports the transformation of masculine nouns into feminine nouns in that language assigns additional connotative semes to the word. By proceeding through the generic transformation, then by the semic decomposition of a hundred nouns collected in the field and in some reference contributions on the Guidar language (Albert Douffisa, 2013, Russell G Schuh (1984), Chantal Collar (1973), the lexical and semasiological analysis of data helps to identify the different social representations and semantic-ideological inductions that are involved in any process of transformation from one substantival genre to another. The application of lexicosemantic tools to this corpus thus leads to observe that the feminization of nouns in the said language is always accompanied by the addition of pejorative connotative semes, which also reflect the social representations in relation to women in the community and the phallocratic ideology that governs its system of social hierarchy. To arrive at this demonstration, the article presents first the methodological process that led to the constitution of the sample for the analysis, then, it returns to the different lexicological processes that govern the system of lexical creation in the guidar language. As such, the borrowing, composition and derivation processes are analyzed, among other things, the particularity of their operating system highlighted and their relationship with the feminization of the names examined in said language. The final articulations of the analyzes thus concern themselves, through a comparative semic analysis of lexical units, with the connotations induced by the suffixes of feminization in the Guidar language and also underline the ideological implications that arise.
social representations; grammatical gender; guidar; feminisation;derivation; seme ; generic transformation; substantival genre
سلطاني بلقاسم
ص 79-91.
Tensaout Safia
ص 54-65.
Ammari Marwa
pages 289-299.