Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 291-312
Authors : Sebbah Loubna .
Blended Learning environments, which coalesce online learning with face-to-face instruction, are often characterized by providing ongoing assessment to students to sustain their learning and hone their engagement. One of the assessment methods that is believed to heighten students’ learning is continuous formative assessment which hinges on iterative scaffolding and monitoring, thereby cultivating peer-to-peer learning. The objective of the present study is to investigate EFL students’ perceptions of continuous formative assessment in a blended writing class. To this end, a descriptive study involving a mixed-methods design was conducted with 80 second year EFL degree students at the University of Algiers 2. The findings, which emerged from the analysis of the questionnaire and focus group interview, indicated that the subjects had positive perceptions of CFA. They claimed that it scaffolded and monitored their learning and helped them feel more accountable and engaged in their learning process. It also provided them with learning tasks to involve in peer-assessment and peer-mediated learning. The article concludes with pointing out some avenues for further research.
Blended learning ; continuous formative assessment ; monitoring ; scaffolding ; student engagement ; perceptions
Kihal Maissoune
Boudehane Nora
pages 61-76.
Sebbah Loubna
pages 107-124.
Berrarbi Amina
Amrane Nadia
pages 51-63.
جميل الرزي ديالا
Arar Samira
pages 27-50.