The Algerian Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies is an international, peer-reviewed, non-profit, open-source scientific periodical, founded in 2021 and published by Farhat Abbas Setif University 1 (the publisher). It is concerned with publishing original applied research, which is dealt with in a scientifically documented manner in the field of economic, commercial, and management sciences. It is also concerned with publishing scientific papers that deal with previous studies on a subject until the latest update. The journal aims to publish and popularize science within its specialization and is directed to professors, postgraduate students, and all researchers wherever they are, whether in research or academic entities, government departments, or economic institutions at the national and international levels. Research is published in the languages: Arabic and English and french. The policy of the journal is drawn up by the scientific council of the university within the framework of the national plan for scientific research, and the scientific supervision is carried out by the scientific council of the Faculty of Economics, Commercial Sciences, and Management Sciences, the scientific advisory board, and the editorial board of the journal.
تعلم هيئة تحرير المجلة انها تستقبل الاعمال العلمية على طول السنة، كما انها تنشر المقالات التي تتناول الدراسات السابقة في مجال معين بشرط ان تتناول الدراسات القديمة الى احدث دراسة. تحياتنا
لاي استفسارات نرجو مراسلتنا عبر الايميل:
"The editorial board of the Journal announces that it recive scientific articles throughout the year. It also publishes articles that address previous studies in a certain field, provided that these studies cover the old research up to the latest study. Best regards."
Silvie Jarennias
Benhah Mounir
Bentaleb Sana
Redjem Khalled
Les 10 articles les plus téléchargés