The Journal of Facts For Psychological and Social Studies is an international semi-annual journal, published by the University of Djelfa –Ziane Achour-, which aims to publish studies and original and innovative research (from Master's degrees, PhD and others), and which have not been published elsewhere. In the Psychology and Education field, it also aims to encourage professors, students and researchers to engage in scientific research and production, which supports the progress of the University and its role. In this Journal, we seek to publish all the good articles in the three languages (Arabic, English, French) that we receive from university professors, PhD students and researchers from recognized research institutes. These articles are considered positive in the following disciplines: Psychology, Education, all articles that directly serve the humanities and social sciences, and other related disciplines. Our Journal, whose publication process began in 2016. It has the experience of four editors who have sought to develop the journal and expand its network of experts distributors specialized in the journal in proportion to their composition. The work that has been entrusted to them is evaluated thoroughly. In Journal of Facts For Psychological and Social Studies, we believe in the abilities of researchers and value their efforts very effectively when we direct research to specialized reviewers in proportion to the nature of the article. The reports are decisive for accepting or rejecting the article and we use a third reviewer in case these were two different reports of the same article. Our Journal welcomes the efforts of all serious researchers and prepares them for fair arbitration and regular publication.
الفضلي هدى,
الكلمات المفتاحية: الأخلاق ; المراهقة ; القدرة التنبؤية ; الذكاء الأخلاقي ; المرونة الأخلاقية
سناني لبنى
يونسي عيسى
بخيت مالك يوسف مالك
دعاس أحمد
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