The Journal of Library Science (JLS) is a peer reviewed scholarly periodical published annually, and is issued by the Department of Library and Documentation Science at the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Algiers 2 - Abu Al-Qasim Saadallah. JLS was published in 2001 and is committed to publishing research articles in Arabic, French and English. The domains covered by JLS are libraries, information, manuscripts, information technology, archives and all the research related to the information and the vessels of knowledge. The editorial board seeks to raise the quality of research published in the JLS to international standards, and thus is keen on participation of distinguished scholars at the international level. JLS constitutes a platform for professors and researchers inside and outside the country both for scientific contributions and exchange of experiences. This is in order to develop specialization on the footsteps of leading global experiences in the field of libraries and information. JLS publishes original research and therefore articles that have been previously published in journals or other scientific forums are not accepted. The Journal encourages innovative research that contributes to development of documentary and information systems in terms of administration and management, raising the level of performance and valuing resources. The research and studies published in the journal and the ideas it bears express the opinions of their owners and do not necessarily express the opinion of the journal.
ويكان باية,
الكلمات المفتاحية: Corona virus pandemic ; Digital resources: 2020; Tahri Mohamed University; Digital document; Formation ; Corona virus pandemic ; Digital resources: 2020 ; Tahri Mohamed University ; Digital document ; Formation ; المصادر الرقمية ; جامعة طاهري محمد ; الوثيقة الرقمية ; التكوين ; الأزمة الصحية كوفيد 19
Azzedine Naila
Bentahar Fadila
Laddada Dalila
Lemounes Nour Elhouda Djoumana
Lemounes Nour Elhouda Djoumana
Sabour Saida
بن بوزيد هجيرة
بن دحو أحمد
بن طاهر فضيلة
شيخي فايزة
بن طيبة بختة
كحلات سمرة
بوطيبة نصيرة
دحمان مجيد
بوعبدالله غنية
لعمروس أمال
بوقاسم محمد
تتبيرت سعاد
حجاب عبد الكريم
شباب فاطمة
شاشة فارس
حطاب منيرة
زميري خولة
محاجبي عيسى
الزهيري طلال ناظم
شيهاب أنفال
صوشي سليم
عرعار باهية
صحة عائشة عفاف
حطاب منيرة
سفيان تسوري عائشة
كوداش مليكة
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