مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا
Volume 14, Numéro 2, Pages 75-90
الكاتب : حسين منصور معن .
This study aims to investigate the relation ship between total quality management and human resources management in four and five stars hotel in jordan. In order to fulfill the broader aims of this study, the researcher tended to design a questionnaire as a tool to collect primary data from a sample of (126) employees in four and five stars hotel in Jordan.After a deep analysis to the data and hypotheses presented in this study By using number of methods and statistical tests which appropriate to the nature of the data such as correlation, multiple regression analysis. A number of results have been obtained among them: There is a high understanding of human resources management functions and the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) by employees of the five and four star hotels in Jordan, The result shows also that there is a significant And positive relationship between principles of Total Quality Management and human resources management functions.
quality management and human resources
خيري علي اوسو
ص 07-30.
العقون كريمة
طبايبية سليمة
ص 386-411.
زغدار أحمد
ص 11-27.
حسن صالح سليمان القضاة
ص 7-39.
Ali Ziki
أحمد عطية محمد
ص 248-265.