Volume 11, Numéro 1, Pages 46-55
Auteurs : Benmessabih Zahéra Malika .
The article focuses on the use of theatrical text and drama in FFL classrooms at the university as a didactic device. In Algeria, the place of the lexicon in the teaching programs remains a very restricted place, the teaching of the lexicon is reduced to the simple identification of the terms and expressions which the author makes use to express an opinion, to argue or to narrate. As part of a subsequent research, we described the types of lexical problems in FLE, students from the French language department, subjected to a text writing activity to establish the frequency of each type of errors. The theory on which we based ourselves, the LEC, the lexicological branch of the Sens- Texte theory, allowed us to model all the lexical phenomena. Indeed, in addition to describing the form (signifier) and meaning (meaning) of lexical units, the LEC is interested in all the phenomena of lexical combinatorics, commonly described informally in dictionaries, and almost systematically put on the margin in the teaching of the lexicon. In this article, we propose a perspective for the teaching of lexicon at the university. We postulate that a text from a theatrical play, accompanied by reading and scriptwriting, is a propitious means to promote the transfer of lexicological knowledge and thereby develop the lexical competence of students.
Lexicon, transfer of lexicological knowledge, literacies, theatrical text, oral communication, FLE, written production.
Nasri Noussaiba
Issad Djamel
pages 708-721.
Hamdaoui Aymen
pages 254-263.
Aouchiche- Ait Yala Ouardia
Ibnou-zekri Ould-ali Leïla
pages 453-464.
Mohammedi Soumia
Khelladi Sid Ahmed
pages 140-156.
Kermezli Nabila
pages 31-50.