Volume 13, Numéro 2, Pages 688-696

Exploring The Folio Thinking Mechanisms Used By Efl Learners In The Assessment Portfolio Implementation

Authors : Bouakel Toufik . Yahiaoui Habib .


The current paper seeks to delineate the EFL learners’ folio thinking mechanisms of action from the assessment portfolio perspective. The folio thinking process, a newly arrived concept in education, is better embodied with the portfolio use as an assessment tool, the matter which goes often unnoticed. In a language learning context, the extant literature dealing with portfolio, both as assessment or learning tool, is strongly associated with the writing skill due simply to the fact that portfolio fits perfectly into the sub-skills making up the overall skills of writing. Hereby, a content-based analysis of portfolios for 2nd year EFL students at Chlef University revealed interesting results. Via this analysis, it was ensured that the non-workability of folio thinking stemmed from the disconnection among skills that may impede workability of portfolio assessment.


Portfolio Assessment ; Folio Thinking ; Language Learning ; Writing Skill