مجلة نماء للإقتصاد والتجارة
Volume 5, Numéro 2, Pages 91-106
الكاتب : بوسعدية مراد . علاوي محمد لحسن .
Abstract: The study aimed to analyse the impact of capital account liberalization on the performance of stock markets emerging for a sample of 06 countries for the period (1990-2018) using the panel models, by employing the chinn-ito index (Kaopen) of financial openness (Journal of Development Economics, 2006) as a proxy to measuring capital account liberalization, and market capitalization, traded value and turnover ratio as a proxies indices to measuring emerging stock markets performance which are issued by world development indicators. The study found that there is a positif and significant effect for capital account liberalization on the performance of emerging stock markets, and a positif and significant effect of bank credit to the private sector on the market capitalization, while there is a negatif and an insignificant of both inflation and the exchange rate on the performance of emerging stock markets of the countries under stydy.
Capital account liberalization ; KAOPEN Index ; Stock Markets Performance ; Panel Models ; Emerging Countries
دويس محمد الطيب
شقروش عبد القادر
ص 85-98.
مختاري عبد الجبار
زرقون محمد
ص 139-157.
بن بخمة سليمان
ريحان الشريف
ص 38-54.
مدياني محمد
ابراهم اسماعيل
ص 576-597.
عبدالقادر بوعلي
فضيلة عميمر
ص 146-168.