مجلة المنهل الاقتصادي
Volume 3, Numéro 2, Pages 497-510
Authors : Benhamida Hichem . Adda Barkahoum .
Through our study, we aim to find out the extent to which administrative decentralization contributes to local development planning, considering that achieving local development requires the implementation of a public policy based on scientific foundations, By studying morocco and Tunisia's experiences in the field of administrative decentralization, as it is a method of administrative organization and a means of supporting citizens and their participation in governance and management processes.
Administrative decentralization ; development planning ; local development
زيدالخيل توفيق
علاوة حنان
ص 122-133.
أزروال يوسف
لعجال ليلى
ص 704-726.
الياس أردة
بلال الزروالي
عادل مفتاح
ص 186-202.
Ould Mohand Souad
pages 61-79.