The development of research has not led, as one would expect, to a significant increase in the publication space in disciplines as important as management and international trade. The journal "Marketing and business research review" that the Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi Ouzou has the honor to publish, precisely aims to enrich this space, as much as possible by quality intellectual contributions. . This space is open to all skills wishing to express themselves on the present and the future of these two key disciplines of economics. The journal "Marketing and business research review" aims to stimulate the production and dissemination of knowledge in areas as important as Management, Marketing and international trade. It will focus in particular on the following specialties: tourism marketing, service marketing, industrial marketing, finance, international trade and logistics, different forms of management, as well as various business-related issues. and its environment. The journal will also aim to stimulate debates and exchanges of ideas, likely to further support the theories and epistemological repertoires of these sciences. This review will also seek to boost publications which have, for various reasons, become scarce over the past two decades. As much as possible will be encouraged publications operating dialectical links between macro and micro economy, but also and above all, between theories and economic practices, the wish being that the contributions collected engage as much as possible with the realities on the ground. The journal that we have the honor and the pleasure to launch, finally aims to create very useful synergies between various scientific disciplines, because of the link that it will establish permanently, between academic research and the world of economy. Synergies which will obviously go well beyond the restricted circle of economics, to touch on the various sciences which complement and enrich it. As practically all the disciplines of economic science today make more and more appeal to other sciences (case of Marketing which has more and more recourse to psychology, sociology, economics, law, management, etc. ergonomics etc.), our review will necessarily open a multidisciplinary debate favorable to ideas, readings and multifaceted interpretations. The international and multidisciplinary editions committee cares about the scientific quality and the innovative and unpublished character of the publications.
Nous demandons aux auteurs qui souhaitent soumettre leurs articles à MBR Review de bien vouloir respecter la templete de la revue.
Ogosi Francis,
Efi Anietie,
Weniebi Zibigha,
Andem Francis,
Mots clés: Technology ; Innovation ; Entrepreneurship ; Technology Achievement Index ; Global Innovation Index ; Total Business Density Rate
حسين ليندة,
Mots clés: e-commerce ; social media ; business goals ; social commerce
Oualikene Selim
بوخديمي شمس الدين
Oyedeko Yusuf
Fadare Mudasiru
Samson Regina
Williams Akpan
Ogosi Francis
Weniebi Zibigha
Andem Francis
Dahlab Ania
Gargouri Omar
Lehad Rachida
Kehri Samir
Leghima Amina
Hammache Souria
Cherrou Kahina
عمور ايمان
دحماني ياسين محمد
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