Political Orbits Journal (P.O.J) is an international, semi-annual, free, open-accessed, peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued by the Knowledge Orbits Center for Research and Policy Dimensions, Algeria. The journal publishes original and electronic scientific research, in three languages: English, French and Arabic, in the field of political science and the related social sciences, including, among others, international relations, research on security, development, sociology, contemporary political history, and history of international relations. P.O.J is open to the academic world, research institutes, academic and non-academic researchers and research groups. Our goal is to provide original, relevant and timely information from a variety of sources, to write and publish with absolute integrity, and to meet the needs of the audience in the field of political science, international relations, and other related humanities and social sciences as effectively as possible. If your research contributes to the attainment of our goals, we will be delighted to bear the responsibility of reviewing it and then publish it. P.O.J provides instant access to its content upon the principle of making research freely available to the public as well as supporting a greater global exchange of knowledge. Every single article sent to our journal must contain a title, an abstract, and keywords in the language used in the article as well as obligatorily in English.
Everyone is requested to review all documents related to the publication in the journal, so the author must download the journal template form, in which there is a publication instruction file (author's guide). In this guide, the approved form in the journal is illustrated for the authors when copying and pasting their articles, regarding fonts and margins.
The journal’s editorial board informs all authors that sending the undertaking is required immediately after accepting the article for publication, and no article can be published without it. Therefore, it must be downloaded from the platform and sent to the email address of the journal (madarate.politique@gmail.com).
ملاحظة هامة: عند إرسال مقال باللغتين العربية أو الفرنسية عبر المنصة (من خلال خانة إرسال مقال) يجب إرفاق العنوان والملخص والكلمات المفتاحية باللغتين: لغة المقال واللغة الإنجليزية، والتقيد بقالب المجلة وما ورد فيه حتى لا يتم رفضه
for any further information contact Secretary:
Prof. Cherifa Klaa (Editor in chief)
منصوري هواري,
بن عياد محمد سمير,
الكلمات المفتاحية: أسعار النفط ; الاقتصاد الجزائري ; التنمية البشرية ; الانفاق الحكومي
عودة حسان,
Mots clés: Geopolitics ; Ideology ; Economic Cooperation ; Foreign Policy ; International Strategy
بركان بشير,
رايس وفاء,
Mots clés: Digital Transformation ; Internet; E-Services ; E-Administration ; E-Government
Khaldi Ahmed
Zakri Ahmed
Bacha Abdelouahab
الشيخ محمد عبدالحفيظ
مقلاتني ميادة
بن جديد سلوى
قاضي نعيمة
غول حمزة
بن قيطة مراد
مكناسي حمزة
بوالقمح يوسف
بوشنافة شمسة
بوعشيبة عائشة
حمداش أميرة
لحرش موسى
عجيسة ليدية
زعاف خالد
حنصالي مسعود
العقون سعاد
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